• mblextutoring @ gmail.com

The Power Differential

When first broaching the subject of ethics as a massage therapist, the first concept you need to fully understand is power differential.  The basic definition of a power differential is the difference in power gained by knowledge, position, resources or status that one may have over another person.  This is a big issue when it comes to a therapeutic relationship.  When a client comes to a therapist (doctor, psychiatrist, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc.) they are in a particularly vulnerable position and can be taken advantage of if this issue of power differential is not understood and respected.

               Other topics or concepts that we discuss in ethics like transference, countertransference, dual relationships and boundaries all should be looked at through the lens of this power differential.  If the power differential did not exist most of these other topics would not carry the weight that they do but because it does therapists must pay careful attention to how they act and the words they choose with their clients. 

               It is mainly because of this power differential that we have the rules on sexual relationships between a therapist and their clients. In most states the general rule is that if a relationship is desired between the massage therapist and client, the therapist and client must sever their working relationship and have zero contact for a period of six months before reestablishing contact.  In a relationship between a psychological therapist and client it is upwards of 2- 5 years!  This is a period of time that is used to dissolve the power differential.  The actual time frame may be arbitrary, but the reasoning is not.  As long as one person holds power over another there can be no equality within the relationship.

               Keep this concept in mind when viewing all of the other concepts in ethics and it begins to make them all make just a little bit more sense.